January 8, 2024

New Year, New Updates: All Things “Craft” and Rally’s New Website Launch

What's new in Rally's User Research CRM?
January 8, 2024

Happy New Year! We hope you had an amazing holiday season and that the new year brings you nothing but good vibes, exciting adventures, and great research. 😎

Over December and through the holiday break, we've been hard at work cooking up some new updates and improvements focused around usability, personalization, and democratization. 

Here's the scoop:

Celebrating Craftmas 🎄

In the context of product development at Rally, "craft" refers to the skill, artistry, and attention to detail involved in creating our product. It encompasses the expertise, creativity, and dedication required to produce a high-quality platform that is not only functional, but exciting and enjoyable to use every day.

Add new options to screener questions more easily

Simply hit enter when you want to add a new option to a single- or multi-select screener question. Also, customize the ‘other’ option text to anything you want.

No more identity conflicts in studies 

Participants can no longer freely use any email address to book an interview. With this update, interviews are scheduled with participants using the same email address the participant was invited with. This keeps interview bookings associated with the correct participant record in Rally and prevents new participant records for the same person from being created. 

New layout for scheduling types 

We updated the layout for choosing the type of scheduling when building a new interview study. This makes it easier to see the differences between 1 on 1, collective, and round-robin scheduling types to make your study building and scheduling process even easier.

Settings got a facelift

New year, new Settings! Check out Settings in Rally for a more organized and consistent interface. 

Add personalization to interview meeting titles

Personalization gives participants a more tailored experience with your research studies. By adding personalization to the title of interview calendar events, both the participant and the researcher can see who they are meeting with and what the meeting is about at a glance. 

Add any guest to interviews via email - not just Rally users

Add stakeholders to join in on interviews, even if they don’t have a Rally account. The calendar invite will show up on their calendar.

Send test emails when creating new email templates 

Send a test email to yourself in just one click when editing email templates to make sure that everything is looking as it should.

Interview meetings on Google Calendar will default to “public” visibility 

Google’s public visibility means that people you’ve shared your calendar with (usually your company and colleagues) can see all event details. This is usually the default for all calendar events in Google. Simply mark specific events as private if you want the event to show as “busy” in your calendar.

More time before meetings by default

The default minimum booking notice for interviews changed from 0 hours to 2 hours. The default notice of no time was creating interview surprises for researchers! This is an easy setting to change when setting up a study.

We’re so proud of the updates released during Craftmas that we've decided to dedicate more regular product time specifically to ‘craft’. This recurring initiative aims to maintain the spirit of continuous improvement by refining functionalities and enhancing user experiences in Rally. Stay tuned for more!

Unveiling Our New Website! 🥁

As we dive into 2024, we couldn't be more excited to share our new and improved website! 

Some of our favorite new pages: 

👉Our all-new Demo Center allows you to explore Rally’s capabilities firsthand through interactive, self-guided tours. 

👉Our new ‘Rally by Role’ pages have been thoughtfully crafted to illustrate the key workflows in Rally that are tailored to ReOps Managers, Researchers, and PMs & Designers

👉Our new Feature Pages allow you to dig deeper into how leading research teams like Webflow, OpenTable, Sonos, and Faire utilize Rally’s feature sets to manage end-to-end study processes.

Improvements and Fixes