
Monthly updates with the latest features added, improvements made and bugs squashed.
An image that says Announcing Rally Recruitment with a pink background and a screenshot of Rally's UI on the right side

Run research safely and at scale with your own users or recruit from a panel of over 3 million participants powered by Respondent.

As July is heating up, so have our latest product updates at Rally. This changelog includes everything from our G2 badge recognitions to new team members, improved participant communication features, and more. We’ve got hot news to share that’s made our summer even brighter…

From our shiny new Rally Help Center to Observer Room magic tricks, we've got a wave of new enhancements to make your support and outreach experience as breezy as a day at the beach. Let’s dive into the highlights!

April showers bring…May product updates! 🌸This month, we achieved HIPAA compliance, streamlined interview scheduling, and enhanced email functionality.

We are excited to announce that Rally has achieved HIPAA compliance! 

april 2024 changelog image all things governance

Over the month of March, we made it our mission to enhance compliance, governance, and safety in our platform. New custom governance rules, PII/PHI masking, and updated property and privacy settings are designed to keep your research endeavours safe, compliant, and smooth.

a screenshot of Rally's observer rooms UI

We’re excited to officially announce the star of this month’s update: Observer Rooms! 🎥 We also rolled out new Interview and Governance activity feeds, amplifying transparency and collaboration within your workspace. Plus, we've got your back with new email safeguards, ensuring better deliverability and compliance.

a computer screen with the words what's new in rally on it

We’ve officially launched our partnership with UserTesting, made significant updates to participant tables, and added several new quality of life updates that will save you even more time in Rally.

a computer screen with the words what's new in rally on it

With the Rally and UserTesting integration, customers can capture rich, video-based insights in UserTesting or UserZoom while tapping into Rally to recruit their own users. This integration benefits Rally customers who are already using UserTesting to conduct unmoderated tests. It will also benefit research teams using UserTesting who need a way to recruit and manage their own participants for research. 

What's new in Rally's User Research CRM?

Happy New Year! We hope you had an amazing holiday season and that the new year brings you nothing but good vibes, exciting adventures, and great research. Over December and through the holiday break, we've been hard at work cooking up some new updates and improvements focused around usability, personalization, and democratization. 

a computer screen with the words what's new in rally on it

The month of November was a fast paced one for us here at Rally. We're excited to share the latest enhancements, designed to give you more usage and activity data to make strategic decisions for your research team. 

a computer screen with the words what's new in rally on it

In October, we released enhancements in Rally that continue to build on our goal of making the platform a central hub for organizing, tracking, and managing all your User Research efforts. Keep reading to learn more about what we released. 

studies at rally user research crm

We have upgraded Studies in Rally and re-built both the study builder & study management experience from the ground up. Studies includes new purpose-built workflows for 3 study types (interviews, surveys, and unmoderated tests), powerful new integrations, updated study statuses, refreshed governance rules, a slick UI, and much much more! 

a computer screen with the words what's new in rally on it

Real-time Slack notifications for participant activities, integration with the Snowflake data warehouse for easier data querying, and a simplified team onboarding flow to streamline setup and account activation.

a computer screen with the words what's new in rally on it

Bulk-add properties during list imports, schedule studies with personalized availability and conflict resolution, and instantly qualify or disqualify participants using conditional logic. The update also includes new comprehensive support documentation.

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