Accelerate User Research

Researchers at Webflow, EZCater, Gitlab and more use Rally to automate the entire process of recruiting your own users for research, while delivering a memorable participant experience.

One Comprehensive Ecosystem

Tap into your customer database to do any type of research that you need. From initial invitation to scheduling interviews, sending surveys, unmoderated tests, incentives, and more, Rally brings it all into one cohesive platform.

Fuel Perpetual Discovery

The elusive dream of ongoing research is now possible with Rally’s standard 1:1 meetings, collective interviews with multiple hosts, and round-robins.

Bring Stakeholders Along For The Ride

Collaborate with Designers and PMs in Rally so that they can be involved in the research process. Invite stakeholders to livestream user interviews from Observer Rooms, without intimidating participants.

Why do leading researchers use Rally for user recruitment and management?

Increase Participation With Branded Communication

Create custom, personalized email templates to invite, schedule, remind and send incentives to participants. Increase participation rates with Rally’s reliable scheduling.

Research Power Meets User Ease

With Rally’s guided study building experience, even newcomers feel like pros. Our interface has been thoughtfully crafted to enable researchers who are just getting started in Rally to have a great experience.

Effortless Scheduling Across All Time Zones

Connect your calendar and set availability preferences in Rally to unlock easy scheduling and interview booking with participants, regardless of what time zone they’re in.

Connect With the Right Participants

Create custom, personalized email templates to invite, schedule, remind and send incentives to participants. Increase participation rates with Rally’s reliable scheduling.

Leverage Your Existing Tools

Rally integrates with the tools you already know and love to do research. Connect to tools like Qualtrics, UserTesting, UserZoom and more, and map participant properties back to Rally regardless of the study.

Be Confident In Consent Forms

Don’t worry about tracking down the right consent forms for studies. Easily access and select custom-built consent form templates so that you get the right consent every time.